Acne on the face and back were common. How acne on the chest? Acne can occur anywhere, including around the chest. It is not visible, but can you imagine if your spouse sees it. These skin problems commonly experienced by men, which in essence is easy to sweat.

Acne on the Chest

How to Remove Acne on the Chest :

1. One of the most common causes of acne is hormonal changes. This can occur during puberty, pregnancy, and taking birth control pills. You can not heal from the outside, so you have to control it from within. Hormonal changes related to your emotional. So, control your emotions is the best way to keep your emotional stability.

2. Drink plenty of water and eat foods that are boiled or baked. Avoid foods that contain a lot of oil. You can also eat raw vegetables in the menu of salads, especially carrots.

3. Acne on the chest can also be caused by heat. Well, this is the right time to drink cold drinks like chilled fruit juice (except pineapple because it can increase body heat). Not to forget also, bathe twice a day ya! Free body sweat can avoid the appearance of acne.

4. Toothpaste medications are very effective for eliminating acne in the chest. Apply toothpaste on pimples and leave it for half an hour. Toothpaste is able to absorb the oil and pus from a pimple and dry. Rinse toothpaste from your skin, but do not rub.

5. The orange juice is excellent for curing acne on the chest. You can make a mask of fresh orange peel and vinegar. It is an effective medicine to cure severe acne.

6. You could also try a combination of cinnamon powder and lime juice. Apply a mixture of cinnamon and lemon juice to the chest and leave about half an hour to 45 minutes.

7. You can try the above mixture before showering and washing them in the bath. Bath with natural antiseptics such as eucalyptus oil can also be faster cure your acne.

Natural treatment at home is not magic that can cure your problem in an instant. However, this method has no side effects to the skin. So what are you waiting for?